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Showing posts from September, 2019

2020 american election in brief

American presidential election in 2020 has an own influence that stems from a current public opinion of americans  . The two major parties of the conservatives and liberals are required to persuade voters to make their choice on november 3. Not until near that date had compaignes started resounding, yet speeches showed up on a social media and other platforms. A number of the democratic candidats lifted up their voice ,and concentrated on national issuess have been opposite goals to the republicans.  The most policies that are prominent flaws of Trump's governance, are targeted by democratic critics ,these include national reforms and foreign affairs that are basically the elements of nominees' statments: immigration, the borders control, the climate change... the nuclear agreement with Iran seems to be excluded out of candidats' vows by the shift that the situation takes after the escalation in middle east by Iran with Saudi arabia .it's also a critical subject mi...